Call for Applications – 2024 AAD Strauss & Katz Scholarship

Dear Colleague:


On behalf of the World Congress Fund Review Task Force of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), it is my pleasure to invite your society to participate in the 2024 Strauss & Katz World Congress Fund Scholarship program by nominating two qualified candidates. Offered to dermatologists from countries outside the United States and Canada, scholarship recipients receive:


·         $1,500 – $2,000 USD stipend to assist with travel expenses

·         Complimentary registration for the 2024 AAD Annual Meeting March 8th-12th in San Diego, California, USA

·         Admission to one ticketed half-day course

·         Invitation to attend the International Scholarship Reception and Dinner with AAD Leadership Thursday, March 7th, 2024, where stipends will be distributed

·         Invitation to attend the International Member Reception Friday, March 8th, 2024

·         Poster Abstracts will be displayed electronically on the AAD Website and the AAD Mobile App


Please nominate, or have another officer of your organization nominate, two eligible dermatologists at: All nominations must be submitted through this link to be considered (no emails).  The deadline to submit an application is September 1, 2023. The criteria for scholarship applicants are as follows:


  • Must be a resident or within three (3) years of completion of training at the time of the AAD Annual Meeting (March 2023)
  • Only nationals of low-income economies are eligible
  • Be endorsed by a National Dermatologic Society.  A signed letter of endorsement from the society is required to be attached to the on-line application and be in Adobe Acrobat portable document format preferred. (PDF). View a sample letter
  • Abstract must be submitted with application
  • Priority will be given to applicants who have never attended an AAD meeting
  • Previous scholarship recipients who have attended an in-person AAD meeting are not eligible
  • No deferrals permitted.  Eligible applicants may reapply the following year if unable to accept scholarship


The World Congress Fund Review Task Force reviews eligible applications and awards scholarships based on merit and available funding. Applicants will be judged on the quality of their application and abstracts. Priority will be given to applicants who have never attended an AAD meeting.


Applicants will be contacted in October 2023 regarding the status of their application. It is important to note that your recommendation does not mean that an award is automatically granted. Please contact Sami Patel at with any questions.





Jashin J. Wu, MD, FAAD

Chair, World Congress Fund Review Task Force

Cursuri și manifestari naționale și internaționale​


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Diplome CND 2024
